Introducing BLE Touchless Entry & Tailgate Detection

To further increase security to buildings, we’re pleased to announce tailgate detection on Command and an exciting new update to the Verkada Pass app that enables touchless entry via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The newly designed Verkada Pass app enables users to leverage their smartphones for cardless or touchless entry.

Bluetooth Unlock with Verkada Pass

With BLE access control technology, any smartphone with the latest update of the Verkada Pass app can be used as a touchless digital keycard to unlock authorized doors. This not only streamlines the end-user experience, but also eliminates the security risk posed by carrying and losing physical badges. Organization administrators can also commission and decommission users immediately by integrating with tools such as Azure AD.

“My phone can be in my pocket, and the door unlocks as soon as I walk up to it. Provisioning contractors with temporary access to our building takes only 30 seconds when it used to take 30 minutes.” – Chad McDonald, IT Partners

Tailgate Detection in Command

Tailgate detection is now available on Command’s web and app platforms. From a single pane of glass, organizations can detect and filter for tailgating events in real-time across all sites. On top of that, this new capability does not require specialized (or even new) hardware.

With integrated video security and access control, Verkada leverages data from door events and edge-based video analytics to produce an accurate people count. If multiple people enter a doorway through one access grant, the system raises an alert and flags it as a tailgating incident.

More Verkada Pass Updates

  • Increasing Login Security with Magic Links: By bundling authentication with email verification, Magic Links allow users to log into Verkada Pass without a password. Instead of entering login credentials, users are sent a URL with an embedded token to their email address. After clicking on the Magic Link, they are redirected back to the Verkada Pass App having successfully signed in. Two-factor authentication can also be enabled as an extra layer of security.
  • Multi-Account Login: With the ability to switch between accounts from their profile, users can now log into multiple accounts at once. Combined with Magic Links, this makes it simpler and easier to manage doors across multiple organizations.
Verkada Pass Magic Links login